Saturday, February 2, 2008

Persuasive Documents

After reading "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr., I was in awe about the way he captures his audience into really believing in his argument. He is writing from his jail cell in the Birmingham jail and is addressing the clergymen who believe that racism is just. Throughout his letter he makes everyone aware that racism affects everyone and it is something that is very unjust in our society.
Next, I found a looked up jobs in the marketing field and found one through Yahoo that is actually in my home town in Syracuse, New York. Reading the article they have about their company and how working for them your helps you gain a lot of experience made living at home sound so much better than I always thought! They have great benefits and it isn't a job where you sit at a desk all day, which is a big deal to me. I never wanted to move back home, but after reading about the companies they work with the help them with their marketing department was pretty neat. I've known this company for a very long time and never knew exactly what they did.
Both of these articles used great wording to persuade their target audiences. Although it didn’t take much to persuade me on Martin Luther King’s stance on racism he did a great job grabbing is audience’s attention. The marketing job persuaded me that being home might not be a bad thing, and that takes a lot!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If they persuaded you to reconsider where you might live, that's pretty impressive. Good choice!